joaomorais Register now for the pre-alpha and help us get the game mechanics fine-tuned. Make your Questions, report the Bugs, and share your Feedback and Suggestions to help us improve our game. What are you waiting for? Sign up at
joaomorais New update just released! We just deployed the developments of the Notebook, the real-time update of resources, the researches and the planet view page. Enjoy the changes and share your feedback with us. 💛
joaomorais ⚡️ New update just released! We just launched the Shipyard features so that you can start building your spacecrafts. The universe was reseted, therefore all the accounts were lost. We invite you to register again.
joaomorais Beautiful days ahead of us. Yesterday we deployed some new features, such as the hard work we did with the planetary defenses (or Defense Tower) and the Trade Station functionalities that allow you to trade resources, spacecrafts and defenses. We're now working on some improvements on the trade station (and automations) and soon we will start working on the Fleet command (hooray!) for you to be able to send attacks and some review on the game economics to make sure that you don't get stuck when you start your journey through Cosmo Crafter.